The following document serves as a privacy policy for this website and how it relates to the business practices of MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC. This document will cover the different pieces of data that we collect and why, as well as how we will protect them. The protection of your private information is important to us and we have created this document so that we can be transparent with our usage of your information. See each section below for details on the collection, usage, and protection of your private and personal information.
In order to provide you with the best possible experience while interacting with our site, there are certain times where we need to collect specific pieces of personal information. When you purchase something from our site, we will try to collect information such as your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, and credit or debit card information. The collection of this information is necessary to insure successful shipment and communication pertaining to your order. There are no other reasons why we collect your personal information. The collection of this personal information only takes place during checkout on our website. The personal information can be entered in the respective input fields.
We also collect some personal information in the contact fields on our contact page. This information is necessary for maintaining a record of contact submissions and for communicating with you regarding your submission. Some of the information that we collect on this page is your name, email address, and phone number.
As explained above, the main reason for collecting your personal information is for successful shipment and communication pertaining to your order.
The first part of this is successful shipment. Some items that are sold on this website may be shipped directly from a third party vendor. One example of this is our professional printing lab. The lab needs the above personal information to ensure shipment and delivery of the purchased items. Other items that are sold on this website may be shipped from our business location. We may use the requested personal information to ensure successful delivery of these items.
The second part of this usage is proper communication with customers. We may use your personal information, such as your email address or phone number, to contact you regarding your orders or any questions you've expressed regarding those orders. We may also use your personal information to contact your regarding any contact submissions on our website.
All personal information that you provide us with is protected with the utmost attention to detail. We use a safe and secure checkout process that protects your private information and ensures that it is only used in the methods described in this document. We only work with vendors that use secure checkout and order processes as well.
You, the customer, retains the right to wish to be permanently deleted from our databases. You can request this action at any time using the contact information found at the bottom of this document. You also retain the right to contact us at any time if you feel that we have violated your privacy in any way or if we have not honored our own privacy policy.
Our site uses cookies for a variety of reasons, designed to improve the customer's experience with our site. Some of these reasons are seen below:
To Provide a great experience for our visitors and customers
To identify our registered members (users who have registered and hold an account with us)
To monitor and analyze the performance, operation, and effectiveness of our site
To ensure our platform is secure and safe to use
Some of these cookies are essential while some are not. At the entrance of our website, all user are presented with an option to accept or decline the use of non-essential cookies.
Child Privacy:
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule) does not apply to MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC because we do not specifically target children under 13 years of age and we do not have actual knowledge that we collect personal information from children under 13. If anything changes in this regard, proper actions will be taken to comply with COPPA.
Future Changes:
We retain the rights to change this privacy policy at any time. If there are any significant changes to the way we handle your personal information, those changes will be presented in a notice at the top of this page and on the home page of our website.
Contact Us:
If there are any questions or concerns or you wish to reach out to us, you are welcome to do so at any time using the contact information below:
Email: matt@mattvaudophotography.com
Phone: 978-987-5109