The following terms and conditions serve as a binding agreement between you and MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC. MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC is the owner of this website and is owned and operated by Matt Vaudo.
This website offers a variety of media for viewing and a collection of items for sale. Some of the media that is available for viewing includes a portfolio of landscape, adventure, commercial, and motion content. There is also a portfolio of commercial projects that include still, motion, and written content. This website also offers a collection of items for sale. This collection includes printed items such as prints and wall displays, as well as gifts such as stickers and coasters.
These terms and conditions outline the ways in which you may use our website and the services and products that are offered. By using and interacting with this website, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
You must only use this website if you are of legal age, meaning 18 years or older. You may not use or interact with any part of this website if you are under the age of 18.
We reserve the right to change our website however we choose at any point without warning or an udpate, aside from this page and the privacy policy which both require updates after the change has taken place.
Opening an Account and Information Responsibility:
When creating an account on this website, you may be asked for a few pieces of information. The first is an email address and a password to create the account. You will also be asked to put in a few other pieces of personal information. You have a responsibility to make sure that all of your personal information remains confidential. Please see the privacy policy on this website for information about how we will protect your personal information as well. You also have a responsibility to make sure that any information you enter about yourself is accurate. By answering questions and providing information on our site, you agree to provide accurate information. The quality of your experience with our site depends on the accuracy of your information.
Commercial Terms for Goods and Services Offered:
The following is a list of all goods and services that are offered: Commercial Projects and Assignments, Image Licensing, and shop items including physical art such as prints and displays and gifts such as coasters and stickers.
Commercial Projects and Assignments will be facilitated with the use of contracts and licensing agreements. Contracts will contain the terms and conditions of a particular assignment and licensing agreements will contain the terms and conditions of the intellectual property that is being sold.
Image licensing will also feature the use of licensing agreements which contain the terms and conditions for the intellectual property that is being sold.
Shop Items contain the following terms and conditions: All images and media relating to shop items on our website are protected under copyright according to the section on intellectual property found later in these terms. When you add items to your cart, proceed to check out, and complete the purchase of those items, you are making a commitment. You must understand that you have purchased those items and they will be delivered to you using the delivery information you provided. As explained above, it is your responsibility to make sure that information is correct and that it remains confidential on your end. When we sell items in our online shop, we are giving you the rights to use those items for your own personal use according to the terms described in the intellectual property section below. You may not use those items for any commercial use, involving resale or advertisement for anything other than the creator of those items, MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC. All items feature artwork and other copyrighted media, whether that's an image printed on a coaster, a logo printed on a sticker, or a paper print. All types of artwork are protected under copyright according to the terms expressed in the copyright section below.
The prices that we charge for items in our shop are listed on our website. We reserve the right to change our prices for products displayed at any time. The prices that are listed will always be the most up to date price. We also reserve the right to correct pricing errors that occur at any time. We do not list our prices for commercial work or image licensing on our website but will reveal those prices upon contact with you. We also reserve the right to change any of those prices at any time and to correct any pricing errors that may occur.
We reserve the right to change our offerings (goods and services) at any time. These offerings will be displayed on our site for shop items or upon further contact for commercial assignments or image licensing.
There are no warranties on any of our products or any information regarding the use and safety of our items. You are responsible for the safe use of any goods or services you purchase from us.
Return and Refund Policy: All items are ineligible for refunds or returns. Once you pay for an item, you are making a commitment as that item is not returnable. No refunds will be honored by request from the customer unless there is an issue with the shipment or delivery of an item and we deem it necessary to offer a refund. We retain all rights to make that decision based on the specific situation.
Ownership of Intellectual Property, Copyrights, and Logos:
Every single piece of work on this website is protected under copyright. All pieces of work, except the ones listed below, are the exclusive property of MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC and no other party. These works include but are not limited to still imagery, video content, digital designs, logos, and writing. You may not sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works of any part of the property that is exclusively owned by MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC.
Designs, whose rights are not owned by us:
Topographic Pattern on the Shop page, licensed by Wix for use with the purchase of our premium account
Numerous designs including but not limited to contact forms and gallery layouts.
User Accounts:
For privacy information relating to user accounts, please see our privacy policy. You may wish to create a user account with us at any time, either from the main site or during checkout. User accounts exist to make it easier for you to purchase items in the future. User accounts are not used for anything else. We reserve the rights to suspend or cancel any user accounts at any time
You agree to indemnify and hold MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC harmless from any demands, loss, liability. claims, or expenses made against them due to or in relation to your use of our website, or any other goods and services that we offer.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC shall not be held liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, arising out of our relating to the use of, or inability to use the service.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC assumes no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inacuracies of content; (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your use or access to out service; and (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored
Changes to These Terms:
The owner of this website, MATT VAUDO PHOTOGRAPHY LLC, reserves the right to change any of the terms and conditions of their site at any time or to add or takeaway any terms or conditions. If any significant changes to the terms and conditions are made, those changes will be presented in a notice at the top of this page and in an announcement on the home page of our website.
Contact Us:
If there are any questions or concerns or you wish to reach out to us, you are welcome to do so at any time using the contact information below:
Email: matt@mattvaudophotography.com
Phone: 978-987-5109